My research activities are structured around 4 axes:
1. Physico-chemical characterization of ion-exchange membranes throughout their life cycle (durability, ageing). Development of new in-situ and operando characterization techniques.
2. Development and optimization of new membrane processes for the environment and sustainable development (Dialysis, Process Coupling).
3. Development of new ion-selective membranes (Cu2+, Li+, NO3-, …).
4. Modeling of membrane microstructure and material transport through IEMs.
Levels L (DUT 2nd year MP and LP): Courses, TD and TP of Materials Resistance, Structures and Properties of Materials, Expertise and Control of Industrial Processes, Non Destructive Testing, Electrochemical Analysis Techniques, Materials Characterization Metrology, Structure and Characterization of Polymers, Instrumentation Metrology and Quality Control.
TD and TP of Spectroscopic Techniques.
Master’s level (FP and INTEREE): Courses and TD of Membrane Processes for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Fuel Cells an alternative energy source.
Pedagogy: Responsible for the LP Metrology, quality of materials and finished objects, Responsible for the AMARRES-S2 project.
Research: Numerous industrial contracts (Eurodia, Neusca, Gen-Hy), several research projects (FP7 CoTraPhen, LIA MEIPA, PHC Kolmogorov, Qassim University), numerous theses in co-supervision (Tunisia, Russia).
Administration and others: Members of the Management Council of the IUT, of the MP Department Council, of the Scientific Committee of the IUT, of the Scientific Council of ICMPE.
Edition: Guest Editor at Membranes Journal. Associate Editor of Chemistry Africa. Member of the editorial board of Membranes Journal.
Expertise: Numerous international projects, manuscripts and national research projects