Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC) is a liquid-liquid preparative and industrial chromatographic technique. Unlike HPLC it does not need any solid support such as silica and uses biphasic systems for the purification of all kinds of chemical species such as polar, non polar, organic and inorganic molecules. We own a 250ml rotor Armen Instrument unit combined with preparative HPLC unit.

Chromatographie partage centrifuge
Appareil de chromatographie partage centrifuge
Chromatographie partage centrifuge
Appareil de chromatographie partage centrifuge


  • Sample load from 300 mg to 6g by injection.
  • Flow rate: 10 – 20 mL/min
  • Rotor maximum speed : 3000 rpm
  • Double wavelength and scan detector range UV-Visible 200 to 600 nanometer
  • Sedex80 Sedere LT-ELSD Détector


For all other information, please contact Isabelle Lachaise