The materials preparation facilities are equipped with several apparatus that allow preparing bulk ingots up to 300g. The main available techniques are melting by induction heating or arc melting. 
We are equipped with several high frequency generators, with power ranging from 15 to 100kW. 
A large part of the equipment (copper crucibles, coils…) are designed and machined in the Institute, thanks to our mechanical workshop.

Alloy melting using induction heating

  • Melting by high frequency induction heating in a water-cooled copper crucible: 10 apparatus allow to melt from 10 to 300g of metallic alloys. Direct casting is available on several apparatus, as well as use of H2 reductive atmosphere.
  • Zone melting on water-cooled copper bed under controlled atmosphere, which allows purification and preparation of highly pure metals, as well as ingot forming for rapid solidification purposes.
  • Electromagnetic levitation melting: the molten alloy has no contact with any crucible, and electromagnetic stirring permits to homogenize the molten alloy. The coils are home-designed and -made. We are equipped with a 400kHz 100kW Fives Celes (France) generator, which allows us to cast up to 40g of alloy at a time.

We recently received a 6MHz 60kW Genesi Srl (Italy) generator, in order to develop new activities:

  • Ceramics casting using the self-crucible technique
  • Inductive plasma melting for ultra high temperature materials

Arc melting

Two furnaces are used to prepare small ingots (5g, up to 60g) under controlled atmosphere. A suction casting device also is also available.