Contact : Tina Modjinou
The Spectroscopies (SPE) platform has 2 NMR solution spectrometers (300 and 400 MHz) and a 400 MHz solid spectrometer.
These devices allow for the rapid or in-depth analysis of small organic molecules, polymers and even materials
The two solution devices cover the Institute’s specific needs in several areas :
- Rapid analysis of many small molecules or reaction mixtures
- In-depth analysis of small and large molecules
- Analysis of polymers and oligomers solution in high-temperature (composition, stereochemistry, tacticity, presence and quantification of terminal clusters)
- Characterization of low-stable species at low temperatures
- Characterization of complex structures (associations of molecules, clusters, association of molecules with biological structures or model systems of biological structures)
- Dynamics of polymers in solution (relaxation time, conformational balances…)
This 400MHz, ultra shield Bruker spectrometer, piloted by an Advance II console and equipped with a 60-position sample smuggler, allows for rapid, non-destructive analysis of solubilisable molecules or macromolecules.
A wide range of probes is available giving access to the analysis and characterization of many cores in routine : 1H, 7Li,13C, 19F, 23Na, 29Si, 31P, 55Mn.
List of probes :
- BBFO broadband 5mm 1H-BB (19F and 31P -> 15N)
automatic probe tunning ATMA
Z gradient - BBI 5mm 1H-BB (31P -> 109Ag)
automatic probe tunning ATMA
Z gradient - Selective 1H-13C 10mm
specific for high-temperature use (untill 200°C)
automatic probe tunning ATMA
Z gradient
This 300MHz, ultra shield Bruker spectrometer is piloted by an Advance I console.
List of probes :
- Sélective 1H-13C 5mm
Z gradient - BBO 10mm 1H-BB (31P -> 109Ag)
This 400MHz Bruker ultra-shield spectrometer plus driven by an Advance III console allows the study of the dynamics of high-temperature and low-temperature polymer systems, the characterization of insoluble macromolecules or reticulated systems.
List of probes :
- 4mm DVT 1H/19F/X (15N -> 13C)
- 4mm DVT 1H/X/Y
- 4mm DVT 33S -> 31P
- 2.5mm DVT 1H-19F/X (13C -> 31P)
- 1.3mm DVT 15N -> 31P
- static 5mm HP 1H
Finally, the platform has 2 temperature units allowing low temperature analyses:
- BCU05: ambient temperature analysis at 0°C
BCU-Xtreme: from 0 to -60°C