Contact : Tina Modjinou

The Spectroscopies (SPE) platform has 2 NMR solution spectrometers (300 and 400 MHz) and a 400 MHz solid spectrometer.

These devices allow for the rapid or in-depth analysis of small organic molecules, polymers and even materials

The two solution devices cover the Institute’s specific needs in several areas :

  • Rapid analysis of many small molecules or reaction mixtures
  • In-depth analysis of small and large molecules 
  • Analysis of polymers and oligomers solution in high-temperature (composition, stereochemistry, tacticity, presence and quantification of terminal clusters)
  • Characterization of low-stable species at low temperatures
  • Characterization of complex structures (associations of molecules, clusters, association of molecules with biological structures or model systems of biological structures)
  • Dynamics of polymers in solution (relaxation time, conformational balances…)


Spectromètre 400 MHz Standard Bore
Avance II 400

This 400MHz, ultra shield Bruker spectrometer, piloted by an Advance II console and equipped with a 60-position sample smuggler, allows for rapid, non-destructive analysis of solubilisable molecules or macromolecules.

A wide range of probes is available giving access to the analysis and characterization of many cores in routine : 1H, 7Li,13C, 19F, 23Na, 29Si, 31P, 55Mn.

List of probes :

  • BBFO broadband 5mm 1H-BB (19F and 31P -> 15N) 
    automatic probe tunning ATMA 
    Z gradient 
  • BBI 5mm 1H-BB (31P -> 109Ag) 
    automatic probe tunning ATMA 
    Z gradient 
  • Selective 1H-13C 10mm 
    specific for high-temperature use (untill 200°C) 
    automatic probe tunning ATMA 
    Z gradient 


Spectromètre Bruker 300MHz
Avance 300

This 300MHz, ultra shield Bruker spectrometer is piloted by an Advance I console.

List of probes :

  • Sélective 1H-13C 5mm 
    Z gradient 
  • BBO 10mm 1H-BB (31P -> 109Ag)


Spectromètre 400 MHz Wide Bore Solide
Avance III 400

This 400MHz Bruker ultra-shield spectrometer plus driven by an Advance III console allows the study of the dynamics of high-temperature and low-temperature polymer systems, the characterization of insoluble macromolecules or reticulated systems.

List of probes :

  • 4mm DVT 1H/19F/X (15N -> 13C)
  • 4mm DVT 1H/X/Y 
  • 4mm DVT 33S -> 31P
  • 2.5mm DVT 1H-19F/X (13C -> 31P)
  • 1.3mm DVT 15N -> 31P
  • static 5mm HP 1H

Finally, the platform has 2 temperature units allowing low temperature analyses:

  • BCU05: ambient temperature analysis at 0°C

BCU-Xtreme: from 0 to -60°C