Contact : Mohamed Guerrouache

Often described as complementary to infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive method of observing and characterizing the molecular composition of a material. In a very schematic way, Raman spectroscopy involves sending a monochromatic light to the sample and analyzing the diffused light. The frequency shift of the diffused light allows to trace back to the chemical composition of the material analyzed.

Raman Explora Horiba
Raman Explora Horiba

This fully automated device, piloted by Labspec software® allows the acquisition of spectral mapping of samples but also the realization of profiles thanks to its motorized table in XY and Z. Mapping can be done at the micro or macro scale using SWIFT® the software mode.

In addition, the equipment associated with an autofocus device allows the realization of mapping with samples with high roughness or non-planes. The recording of the spectra is carried out via a shift of the motorized XY turntable, allowing a more complete and faster analysis of the sample.

Technical features:

  • confocal microscope
  • Spatial resolution < 1m
  • Spectrograph equipped with a motorized network turret with 4 positions
  • 3 internal lasers (532, 638, 785 nm)
  • optical coupling and filtering
  • High-performance multichannel detector (CCD)
  • XY motorized table