Annick Percheron-Guégan is the former director of the Laboratoire de Chimie Métallurgique des Terres Rares and of the Institut des Sciences Chimiques Seine-Amont, the federative structure that preceded the creation of the ICMPE. On the occasion of her 80th birthday, her former colleagues wrote a review article published in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds on LaNi5-derived compounds, the laboratory’s flagship activity that occupied a good part of her career. The editor of the journal dedicated a preface to her highlighting her important contribution to the field of metal hydrides.

Annick Percheron-Guégan
Annick Percheron-Guégan et la structure cristalline de LaNi5


Volodymyr Yartys, Préface, J. All. Comp., 862 (2021) 158414.

Jean-Marc Joubert, Valérie Paul-Boncour, Fermín Cuevas, Junxian Zhang, Michel Latroche. Review – LaNi5 related AB5 compounds: Structure, properties and applications, J. All. Comp., 862 (2021) 158163.