Welcome to the website of the Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est (ICMPE)!
Created on January 1, 2007, the ICMPE is a joint research unit (UMR 7182) of the CNRS and the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).
Our laboratory is developing original and innovative research in the fields of chemistry and materials science, as well as at interfaces with physics, engineering and biology, in order to respond to major societal challenges in the cross-cutting themes of energy, transport, environment, sustainable development and health.
Areas of expertise
The Unit’s areas of expertise cover both fundamental and applied research, with an articulation around three major cross-cutting themes:
- Materials for structures and energy.
- Molecules, materials and processes for the environment and sustainable development.
- Chemistry for health at the interface with the living.
Unit Structure
In order to reach a critical size making it possible to tackle very competitive subjects and to promote a synergy capable of responding to common concerns and objectives, the Unit is structured into 2 scientific departments: Molecular Chemistry and Macromolecular Materials (C3M) and Metallurgy and Inorganic Materials (M2I). It is also equipped with 6 technological platforms rich in a very powerful instrumental park: SPS-flash sintering; CAP-analytical and preparative chromatography; EME-metallurgical elaboration; MIC-microscopies; SPE-spectroscopies; MAM-measurements and analyzes of materials …
Location of the ICMPE
Located halfway between Orly and Paris and located on the CNRS campus in Thiais, the ICMPE accommodates around sixty researchers and teacher-researchers, around thirty engineers, technicians and administrators, as well as around fifty non -permanent (doctoral students, post-docs, ATERs, CDD), specialists in molecular chemistry, polymer science, solid-state chemistry, electrochemistry, metallurgy and physics of materials.
Partnerships and involvement
Based on its strongly multi-thematic character with a wide spectrum of skills, the ICMPE is developing regional (I-SITE FUTURE, LabEx MMCD, LabEx Patrima, DIM RESPORE, DIM MAP, ERGANEO), national (ANR, CEA, CNES, …), international (H-2020, CSIC, CONACyT, RAS, NASU, Campus France, IRN France / Australia, …) and industrialists who place it today at the best level in the fields of material sciences.
The Unit is also involved in structuring the scientific community in its fields of expertise through active participation in CNRS research groups (GdRs) such as HySPàC (Hydrogen, Systems and Fuel Cells), TherMatHT ( Thermodynamics of materials at high temperature), HEA (Metallurgy of High Entropy or Complex Composition Alloys), MBS (Biobased construction materials), SLAMM (Soliciting Soft Matter), Polymers & Oceans, Repairing Humans, or groups of scientific interest in thermoelectricity and metallurgy, as well as the national network of metallurgy (RNM).
It should also be noted that the management of the Federation for Education and Research on Metallurgy in Ile-de-France (FERMI, FR 3701) is provided to the ICMPE for the period 2020-2024 and that our laboratory is one of the component units of the Hydrogen Research Federation (H2, FR 2044).
Education and training
Finally, the ICMPE is strongly involved in the transfer of knowledge by participating in teaching in different university components (FST, IUT and ESPE of UPEC, University of Evry, etc.) and by training young masters in different fields. at bachelor’s and master’s level. In this regard, teacher-researchers from the ICMPE manage the M1 “chemistry” grade and the associated M2 courses in analysis and quality assurance, chemistry of bioactive molecules, functional polymers, as well as the “materials science and engineering” grade. of M1 and the associated course of M2 advanced materials and nanomaterials.
In conclusion, the ICMPE has undeniable advantages in terms of human resources, scientific equipment and infrastructure. Do not hesitate to contact us and come and meet us!