- Thermoelectricity
- Ternary intermetallics
- DFT calculations
- Electronic structure
- Machine Learning
Research interest
My research activities are focused on the study of ternary intermallics compounds for thermoelectric applications. The theoritical and the experimental parts are inverstigated. The stability and the electronic structure of intermetallic compounds are studied using first principles calculations (DFT). In parallel, the most promising compounds are synthetised and characterized, both structurally and in terms of their thermoelectric properties.
My research activities also focus on the use of first-principles calculation methods coupled with Machine Learning methods to accelerate the discovery of promising new compounds, whether in the fields of thermoelectricity, hydrogen storage or oxides.
Current project :
ANR DETOX (2022-2025) – “Design of new entropy-stabilized oxydes”, ICMPE-ICMMO-LINK, Responsable ICMPE
ANR i-Hephaistos (2022-2027) – “Innovative synthesis and protection against aging for improved skutterudes-based thermoelectric generators” – ICMPE-ISCR-MOIZ-IJL
ANR PRCI AIIM (2023-2026) – “Artificial Intelligence for intermetallic materials” – ICMPE-LINK-ICAMS(All)
ANR IoTEGH (2023-2027) – “Thermogénérateur à base d’alliage d’Heusler intégré sur silicium” – MOIZ-InstitutNéel-ICMPE
Projet CEFIPRA (2024-2027) – “nouveaus alliages d’Heusler semiconducteurs à gap nul pour la spintronique” – ICMPE-Saha Institute for Nuclear Physics, Inde
PEPR-H2 SOLHYD (2022-2027) – “lever les verrous actuels du stockage de l’hydrogène”
Projets terminés :
ANR JCJC ScrIn (2019-2022) -“Criblage de composés intermétalliques ternaires pour des applications en thermoélectricité”– Responsable scientifique – ICMPE
ANR LocoThermH (2028-2022) – Alliages thermoélectriques de type Heusler à bas coût” – ICMPE-ICGM
Coordinator of the ANR JCJC ScrIn (2019-2022) Screening of intermetallic compounds for thermoelectric applications
Teaching and tutoring
Practical work: Cristallography at UPEC (Licence 3 and M1)
Practical work: Introduction to DFT calculations at UPEC (M2)
Other activities
Elected member at the CDL (2020-)
In charge of the M2I seminaries
Website administrator for M2I, member of the working group on social networks
Co-director of the GIS of Thermoelectricity
- Co-winner of the price Bernard Coqblin, from the french GDR of Thermoelectricity in 2014
- bronze Medal of CNRS in 2024